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Steelcase NEXT Design Competition

Junior Year - Office Design

In the 1960’s and 70s, Atlanta Georgia took on significant population growth and social change, while also being heavily involved in the civil rights movement. The city boomed with more people than ever before, and quickly became a hotspot for job opportunities. Fast forwarding to today, Atlanta has gained the reputation of being a “city of the future, with strong ties to its past” ( The Steelcase NEXT office takes design inspiration from the 60s and 70s and will modernize it to not only keep Atlanta connected to its strong history, but also to incite strong ties within the community and the workplace. Grounding patterns and forms will be used to represent the weight and strength of Atlanta’s history as well as the NEXT community. Interconnecting patterns and themes will also be used throughout the space to keep the idea of strong ties and connection flowing through NEXT employees minds, while also referencing the sweet city of Atlanta and it’s important history. With the ever changing world around us, NEXT will need now, more than ever, to keep their employees engaged and connected with each other, and this design will do just that.

NEXT Steelcase Design Competition: About
NEXT Steelcase Design Competition: Work

©2021 by Sara Chambers- Interior Design Student. Proudly created with

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